History classes were always boring for me as a student, and I am sure for you too. At the end of every class, I always used to think, “why do I need to know what happened in historical battles during the 17th century?” I mean, obviously, it was hard to memorize the endless list of names, dates, and battles.
However, later I realized that all that hassle wasn’t just for nothing. Studying history actually matters, and it helps make you a more knowledgeable and informative person.
So, are you also a student constantly thinking about why history matters and why is it important to study? Don’t worry; this post will answer all your questions and confusion. But first, let us briefly go through what history actually is. Keep Reading!
What is History?
History is one of the most important and reputable academic subjects. It tells us what important events happened in the past, why they happened, and how they happened. History explains how the world moved from castles to bunkers to tanks and countless other details. It tells how empires were built and how they came down, what happened with the emperors, their love lives, the betrayal they faced, and much more.
Trust me; the list can go on and on. History tells us about the most prominent battles in the past and why and when they happened. It is basically a tale or novel of everything that has happened since the beginning of time. Though remembering the dates as a student can be a bit difficult. But if you just read the history of the Egyptian Pharaohs or Russian Tsars, you will know how fantastic and thrilling these tales can be.
Is History Just About Time and Dates?
As students, we always make the mistake of thinking that history is just about boring times and dates. However, that is not the case. History is much more than just learning about names, dates, and times. It also involves how and why things happened, how things unfolded, and how events occurred.
History is about learning the thrilling and shocking events that happened before us, how people fought them, and how our ancestors survived even the most impossible of times. Trust me; you might find history an endless book of time and dates right now, but if you go deep into the details, I am sure you will be hooked!
Importance of History
Do you know what the most important thing about history is? It is behind everything. Everything in this whole world has a history. You, your parents, your forefathers, and even your country have countless histories. In fact, even the complicated subjects like Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry you study have history. There is a
history behind the word ‘Ok’, and there is a detailed
history behind the invention of cars, televisions, and telephones.
In short, history is a part of us. It has always been with us, and it will stay with us forever, even after we die. So, please don’t take it for granted!
Benefits of Studying History
Studying and deeply understanding history has countless benefits for individuals and societies. Below, we are jotting down a list of benefits of studying history for students in school so that they build a foundation at a young age.
Helps in Understanding the World
History can make us deeply understand the world and what prominent things and events happened in it. It tells about the past cultures, governments, ideologies, and religions. History also tells us how and what technology was back then and how it advanced daily.
If you develop knowledge about what happened in history apart from just considering it an academic subject, you will learn more about different aspects of life. You will understand why things are the way they are today. Also, you will become a more aware and rounded person.
Builds Empathy
History allows you to study the lives and struggles of people in the past, and guess what? All those struggles help in making you more empathetic. Because let’s be honest, most of us live a more peaceful life than people before us. There are no wars, we have no cruel kings or emperors, and how different our lives were from people 100 or 200 years ago. Trust me; you will feel lucky and thankful when you read about everything that happened in history.
Tells Grest Stories
As we briefly mentioned above, history tells excellent, thrilling, and captivating stories and tales. It gives you a tour of the whole world and different ages. It tells you about events that happened in China, Rome, and Italy. Moreover, it tells about the conquests of Napoleon, Alexander, Marco Polo, and the British Raj, how the world fought for their rights, their religion, and much more. History is undoubtedly a tale involving the complete human experience, and honestly, we all had a part to play in it.
Trust me; you will feel inspired like never before after reading the historical stories and tales. You will read the heroic acts done by people and about people who spent their whole lives fighting for others, like Mother Teresa. After listening to their inspirational tales and events, you will get a sudden boost of motivation. Eventually, you will try to become a better person after being inspired by these people.
Learn from People’s Mistakes
Most importantly, studying and reading history gives you a chance to learn from people's mistakes in the past, the mistakes that ruined their entire generations and empires. History is filled with warning signs; mistakes people made in politics, the economy, or generally as a society. When you realise what happened to a certain group of people after doing what they did, you will make sure you don't follow that. You will instantly identify the wrong patterns that emerged in the past and try to stop all the wrong deeds and doings individually.
How to Study History Efficiently?
Now that you have gone through the benefits of history, it is time to go through a few important study tips that will help you study the subject efficiently. Remember, history is not all about memorizing the dates and dates. You need to grasp the knowledge truly! Here is how:
Think Critically
Make sure to think critically and connect all the events and dots while you are studying or reading history. Instead of just trying to remember the dates, think of why and how things happened. You can also create a mind map by connecting the events together and figuring out their relation. If you do this, you will be more involved in the subject and understand the concepts more clearly.
Highlight the Key Information
Obviously, you will come across a lot of points while you are studying history. Some will be random, while others will be extremely important. When you have so much text to read, it is recommended to highlight the important points that you think may come in your exams. Highlighting the text will help you memorise it every time you see it.
If not highlighting, you can also use flashcards, display the important information, and stick them on your wall. This will give you a chance to digest and absorb the information fully. Also, you can use different
note-taking techniques to display the key information and revise it later on.
History Books, Shows, & Films
Last but not least, you will need to read as many history books as possible. The more you read, the more information you will get; and that information will further help you in the actual academic subject. If you are not a fan of reading, you can watch historical shows and films. Hopefully, they will be more interesting than the books and full of visual information and knowledge. You can watch historical shows like The Crown, Reign, and Ertugrul. For films, you can go for 1917 and The Duchess. As for books, you have millions of options!

We know history is a subject, but only if you study it the wrong way. If you start studying history with interest, you will learn how incredible, shocking, and amusing this subject is. Moreover, it also has a significant impact on the world and future generations. And yes, history does matter!
If you are still unable to develop interest, you can take help from our professional
tutors. They will teach you the right way, and you will eventually fall in love with the subject. So, what are you waiting for? Your professional tutor is just a click away!
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